Part 1: Episode I: In Which the Sequel Begins...
Episode I: In Which the Sequel Begins...
Contractual Obligations: Drakengard 2! Welcome to the corrupt, alternate timeline of the Drakengard series. As the thread title might suggest, this one is a lot dumber than the NIER divergence of the timestream. But, I suppose we'll just have to make due with a bad situation. Let's just get on with it...

Drakengard 2, like its brothers, has multiple endings. We need to complete the game on the
----- Prologue -----

Yup. So it's been 18 years since Drakengard Ending A Concluded. A lot has gone on during the last couple of decades. Many, many terrible decisions have been made by most surviving parties of the previous title. But eh...? What's that...? Oh, there's another monologue. Sure...get it all out already.

Five seals hold in place the red dragon,
the last bastion against world destruction.
Charged with protecting them are
the Knights of the Seal.
In charge of each seal is a guardian,
a lieutenant among the knights.
Now, a young warrior has been accepted
into the Knights of the Seal.
A young man raised by a blue dragon.

His name is...Nowe.

And that's the story so far. What was left of the Union re-branded themselves as the Knights of the Seal. They actually decided to put some people in charge of guarding the Seals this time around. And there's some wanker named "Nowe" (pronounced "No Way") with a blue dragon who is the new protagonist.
I hope you weren't too spoiled by previous Cavia protagonists like Papa Nier or everyone's favorite mass murder Caim. Or hell, even that mumbling hick Bruce McGivern from Resident Evil: Dead Aim. I'd take any of them over our new hero...
Verse 0 - The Tutorial

Meet Nowe: Teenage pretty boy anime twat #33174. Dumb as a sack of rocks and about as charismatic to boot. I hate Nowe and hopefully, by the end of this journey, you will too.

Of course being a generic JRPG Teenage Protagonist, Nowe has been outfitted with a standard issue female childhood friend that treats him like a brother but she's really totally into him because there's no such thing as platonic relationships in RPGs in the form of Eris. Eris is the same age as Nowe, grew up with him, but somehow has managed to join and rise quite high in the ranks of the Knights of the Seal due to...well, probably being one of the least dense characters in the game.

Actually, no. We're not running through the tutorial because it is extremely boring. Unless you'd really like to see Nowe scamper around and hit floating crystals with his sword, we'll just be skipping to the end of the course... I'll explain the stellar gameplay of Drakengard 2 when we get to a real mission.
A crappy mandatory tutorial later...

One of the other Knights of the Seal enters...

So Nowe's extremely lame nickname is "dragon child" since...well, the Union never were good at insults outside the rarity like Caim. Being a pretty boy git with an awesome dragon pal that got him to basically sail through the Knights of the Seal testing requirements by merit of having the ability to write "can summon a dragon" in answer to every question or requirement imposed has made him less than popular with the rest of the Knights. The fact that he never wears his uniform's helmet because it would mess up his delicately feathered hair probably hasn't won him any favors either.

Needless to say, the generic mook gets his shit kicked in almost immediately.

Beating up that one jerk and completing the tutorial dungeon marks the end of the first mission. That was a less than thrilling opening... I want my money back!

Upon the end of the mission, we learn two important facts. One: Nowe's dragon partner is probably named "Legna." Two: Nowe is a filthy rotten liar about his confirmed kills while out on the job. One kill my ass! In comparison to Drakengard 1, Caim murdered 68 people while mortally wounded and that's not even counting the intro movie during his first gameplay mission. I think that right there sets the tone of disappointment that is Drakengard 2...

Drakengard 2 Opening

Verse 0 Cutscenes

Knights of the Seal Nowe Artwork - Stop scratching your balls when you think nobody is looking!